If we look at the life cycle of the termite it will usually begin with the mating of the flight, where we will be seeing the swarming which is the reproductive males and as well as the females who will be having wings on them usually leave a well-established colony in order to procreate. Once the fertilization is said
to be completed the winged termites will land and usually shed their wings thereby going on to form new
colonies. These sets of insects will then later become the king or queen termites of their colonies which they have newly established. If we look at the queen and the king termite they are said to be at the center of the termite life cycle and are mainly responsible for the part of reproduction. The king has the main job in life is to mate with the queen also through chemical secretions known as pheromones he and the queen determine how many of their offspring develop into workers, soldiers, or reproductives. In 5 years
the king and queen can grow the colony into a million termites. Talking about the queen, her main job is
to lay as many eggs as she is usually fed by the worker termites with the king along as well. She also secretes the pheromones that control specialization in the colony. A queen can live for 25 years or more reported to reach a production of more than 1000 to 2000 eggs a day. Many of these reproductives die
before they can start a colony. Most subterranean termites nest in moist soil where there is a suitable
food source nearby.
Once the fertilized queen will be laying her eggs they will usually hatch into larvae that are pale white in color. Eggs hatch into larvae and molt to develop into workers, soldiers, and primary and secondary
reproductives. The queen can lay from several 100 to several 1000 every day. The termites' eggs usually
take about a duration of 30 days in order for it to hatch into larvae. The eggs undergo 4 moltings, molting
is nothing but development and after the combination of these moultings, it enters into the next stage.
When we look at these immature termites who are usually fed through the salivary glands of the king and then later by usually the worker termites who are mature. Based on chemical messages received from the
queen and king, the larvae will develop into one of 5 specialties. Over the course of several molds, these
larvae grow to assume a role in one of the 3 termite colony cast workers, soldiers, and reproductive
termites also known as elates.
In an intermediate stage, nymphs are destined to become one of 2 types of reproductive termites. While
they weigh they help in the care of the larvae and the king and queen. A nymph is a young termite that is
going through molds, a process of shedding its exoskeleton to become reproductive. First, a termite develops a soft exoskeleton under its current hard exoskeleton. Then once the termite has reached
maturity its outermost exoskeleton splits open and the new exoskeleton enlarges and hardens. This
molting process continues throughout a termite life cycle based on the colony’s needs.
The bread and butter of the colony they forage for food heat would feed the queen. The queen and the
saw lighters and care for the larvae, they are sterile. These worker termites then take over most of the
activities in the colony including the foraging. Leaving the queen to enlarge and turn into an egg-laying
As the colony matures it also produces soldiers to defend the colony. As they will not be able to chew wood, so others will usually feed them but they are capable of killing. If the colony comes under attack the soldiers with the help of their oversized mandibles will be emitting a glue-like substance that is thick in nature that will immobilize invaders to their colony.
Winged reproductive or rural elites, in a mature colony thousands of nymphs develop wing pads and become winged reproductives. They grow long fragile wings and feed themselves waiting for the
swarming season. The wing reproductives reach maturity and when the time is right headed to the sky on
moss. Creating the familiar and dreaded swarming ritual, they fly away from their home colony towards
any light source then fall to the ground.
Only 1% of the tens of thousands of the dealate survived the process of leaving the colony landing and looking for a mate. Those what survived will pair off, beat their wings from their bodies, and benign a highly structured mating ritual. In the rare instance when would water in the matched set of delights
come together. They made themselves become kings and queens, a new colony was born.
These are the general wood termites that usually attack anything made of wood such as furniture,
cupboards, doors, and parts of a wall made of wood. They do not require soil or high moisture content for
their survival. They only want wood to infest for a long time and can also be found in woods that quickly
They are smaller termites, not more than the size of a rice grain. They are brown or cream-coloured
termites, but a swarm of flying drywood termites can appear white. You can detect their presence by
scraping the surface of their infested wood.
There are the most popular termites to infest households. As the name suggests, subterranean termites
usually live underground in large colonies with almost 2 million termites in a single colony. Normally
they are quarter to half-inch in size and brown or black in colour. They have equal in size two pair of
wings. The solder and worker termites are cream in colour with no wings.
Along with wood, these termites also eat anything that is made with cellulose like books. They travel in
mud pipe-like structures to prevent themselves from open air. They create these tubes near the
connection from soil to walls, to travel for food safely.
These dangerous termites cause the most damage to the structure of the house than any other termites.
They live in underground colonies and can create mud tubes on the walls for transport. They are often
called “super termites” due to their highly aggressive nature. These termites chew through their
preferred structures and cause damage to wooden fixtures and floors.
They are usually half-inch long and pale or brownish-yellow in colour. You can detect these termites
through their swarms. Flying Formosan termites can be found near light sources such as tube lights and
bulbs. They also leave many piles of shredded wings around the house. The wood these termites infest
sound hollow when you tap on them.
1. Termites are good for you… to eat! Termites are rich in iron, calcium, protein, fatty and amino acids,
making them a highly nutritious food.
2. They never sleep. Termites build their colonies 24 hours a day, every day.
3. Termite colonies are big. The largest termite colony ever recorded contained over three million
4. Ants and termites are enemies. In fact, ants are the number one predators and competition for
termites. Occasionally, termite and ant colonies that are near each other will go to war over territory and
access to food.
5. Some species of termites build their colonies upward. In tropical areas, such as parts of Africa,
termite mounds can even be up to 30 feet high!
6. Termite damage is expensive. Every year, termites inflict more than 5 billion dollars worth of
property damage. That’s why it’s important to have a termite infestation taken care of ASAP!
7. Termites are eusocial. This means that they live in a caste system, where each caste has a different
8. Soldier and reproductive termite castes can’t feed themselves. These two castes have to rely on worker termites to feed them by regurgitating digested cellulose into their mouths.
9. Termites are hygienic. Termite colonies spend a great deal of time grooming one another in order to prevent disease.
10. Termite queens dictate which caste her young will grow into. They do this by feeding their young pheromone-laden feces. The type of pheromone the queen secretes onto the waste determines the
role the termite will grow into.
11. Termites secrete a wide variety of different pheromones. The pheromones are secreted from glands located on their chests. Different pheromones communicate a wide variety of information to other caste members.
12. Termites have sense organs. These organs are located on the base of their antennae and tibiae that
allow them to sense vibrations. Scientists have observed that some species choose which food sources to
infest by sensing vibroacoustic signals emitted by various pieces of wood.
13. Termites use vibrations to communicate with one another. When soldier termites sense a threat, they tap or bang their heads against the colony’s tunnel walls. This creates vibrations to warn the rest of
the colony.
14. Many termite species have been around for a long time. Some varieties of termite species have
existed on earth for over 250 million years.
15. There are many species of termites. All over the world, there are over 2,700 termite species.
16. Termites are numerous. Some estimations suggest that they make up 10% of all animal biomass and 95% of soil and insect biomass in tropical regions.
17. Some queens in certain termite species can lay 15 to 25 eggs per minute. This adds up to over 40,000 termite eggs per day!
18. Queen termites from the Termitidae family can produce millions of eggs per year. In fact, they are known to produce around 10 million eggs per year.
19. Termite queens have the longest lifespan of any insect in the world. Some termite queens may live between 30 and 50 years, reproducing annually and founding numerous colonies.
20. if you put every termite on earth on a scale at once, their total combined weight would be 445 million tons. For reference, if you did the same thing with humans, we would weigh 350 million tons.
In the post-construction anti-termite treatment, chemical is injected into the ground drilling holes in the junction of floor and wall, soaking them with the termiticide and sealing them. By means of holes made at the junctions of walls and floors at 2 feet distances apart of the ground floor. Then these holes are sealed.
This makes a completely undetectable chemical barrier around your property. This leads faster control of
Pre-construction anti-termite soil treatment consists of charging soil around the building and beneath
floor with powerful soil toxicants so as to create a chemical barrier.
Rats and mice are both rodents, so look similar – the biggest difference is their size. Rats are larger and
heavier while mice have smaller slender bodies. Mice also have long slender tails (for their body size)
covered in hair compared to rat tails which are shorter, thicker and hairless.
There is an old saying, “you never have just one mouse in the house,” and this statement is often true. If you spot one mouse, more are likely nearby. Rodents live mainly outdoors in spring and summer, but once fall and winter arrive, they attempt to move indoors to find shelter and food. If you are not careful, a home or business can create a perfect environment for rodents to thrive. The possibility of rodent
infestation means you need a pest control provider with the right experience to resolve the issue quickly.
The presence of rodents carries serious health and economic implications. Some of the illnesses rodents
carry can pose significant health risks. Rodent-borne diseases include rat bite fever, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, and Lymphocytic choriomeningitis amongst others. These conditions can cause chronic symptoms, so home or property owners should do their best to keep rodents away from their property. These diseases can be spread to humans directly, through handling of rodents, through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites. Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread
to humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent.
In addition to the diseases they carry, rodents also chew and contaminate food. Direct damage to product
requires immediate disposal, wasting food and other items. Prolonged rodent infestation can lead to food
contamination, as rodent feces and urine can contain harmful, disease-causing microorganisms. There
have been numerous instances where rodents have caused contamination to food product putting people
and their health at risk.
Not only are rodents dangerous, but they can also cause significant financial losses as well. A rodent
infestation can cause considerable and expensive property destruction and substantial food
contamination, especially in restaurants and other businesses. Additionally, rodents love to gnaw and
may also target a home or business’s electrical wires or foundation, which at best can damage your home,
or at worst, raise the risk of health problems. These financial burdens, along with the serious health and
safety risks rodents pose, mean home and property owners should have professionals swiftly handle a rat or mouse infestation.
You will usually see these rats on the roofs of the structures and these rats are good at climbing. They
prefer to live in areas of the house like ceilings and attics. You will also notice the nest of such rodents in
dense vegetation, piles of debris and wood, and over the trees. The nests are usually found in the citrus
and avocado trees. The favourite things to eat for these rodents are cat, snail, and dog kibble.
These are not climbers and they prefer to stay at the lower levels of the structures. You will see them in crawl spaces, on the voids of the walls, in the storage rooms, or any messy area that is not used. In terms
of outdoors, they make their nests in storm drains, sewers, and burrows on the ground. Norway rats like
to eat protein and carbohydrate-rich food but they even eat items like soap.
These are the smallest among the rat species and they are good at climbing. They are similar to Norway rats in their nesting patterns, and they usually stick to the ground when making nests.
The Bandicoots are the most aggressive among the rat species and they are also the biggest in size. They
are great at burrowing and can cause structural damage to the buildings through their burrowing. They are known to burrow on the floor and ground, and also spoil the stored goods.
To help prevent rodent problems, we'll set up secure bait stations in strategic locations
around the exterior of your building. These rodent bait boxes are monitored and checked regularly.
Placement of Rodent Bait Station
The Bandicoots are the most aggressive among the rat species and they are also the biggest in size. They
are great at burrowing and can cause structural damage to the buildings through their burrowing. They are known to burrow on the floor and ground, and also spoil the stored goods.
Rodents Proofing
Proofing refers to blocking the ways for Rodents to enter by putting up guards on the drainpipes. The
access of rodents in the area is restricted through this Rodent Control technique.
Pest Control Checkup & Inspections
Proofing refers to blocking the ways for Rodents to enter by putting up guards on the drainpipes. The
access of rodents in the area is restricted through this Rodent Control technique.
As we’ve mentioned above, contracting serious diseases from mosquitoes is highly unlikely, so it’s difficult to describe them as “dangerous” in this setting. “Very irritating” is perhaps more suitable.
As with so many situations requiring pest control, prevention is better than reacting to the outcome.
Mosquitoes need still water in order to develop their larvae. Typically, they will choose ponds, lakes,
marshes and water butts. However, they are just as likely to opt for any small quantity of stagnant water
where they can breed unimpeded. You should seek to:
There are a variety of devices and sprays you can buy in shops that will help with mosquito control, but
only a professional will be able to provide the specialist advice required to eradicate the most stubborn
So, is pest control necessary for mosquitoes? Truthfully, the answer depends on your level of tolerance. An infestation is unlikely to turn deadly (though the possibility can never be ruled out) but if you feel like
a “mozzie” magnet and wake up with new bites every day or struggle to sleep over the constant whining,
you may well need to call in the experts from 24X7 Pest Management Services.
If you have any questions or would like to enquire about pest control services, don’t hesitate to get in
touch today.
No one wants a cockroach in their home. Just seeing one makes some people scream or feel nauseous – so
imagine how bad an infestation could be! This guide will show you how to identify a potential cockroach
infestation in your home, what you can do to prevent it from spreading, and how a professional pest
service like ours can help. But first, let’s pose a question that you may not have ever considered:
Cockroaches are one of the most common insects in the world – and they’re not the prettiest thing to look
at either. But can they hurt you? The answer is varied. Let’s start with the upside. If you only see the
occasional cockroach in your home, chances are they won’t do much harm. It’s not uncommon to have
one crawl through and end up in your bathtub or closet – where you’ll likely find them and kill them
before they become a problem. Even though this scenario shows that your home could be at risk, it’s not a reason to bring out the big guns – yet. But what about the downside? That’s a different story. The bad
news is that cockroaches in greater numbers can have a severe impact on your health. Here are just a few
ways cockroaches can harm you:
We’ll assess your home, determine a plan of action, and then eliminate your roach problem for good.
Don’t hesitate. The longer you let a roach infestation fester, the worse it is for your home and your health.
Get in touch today!
breeding habits. they will walk over food sources and rotting
matter indiscriminately, picking up and spreading bacteria. Practically all species of flies feed by vomiting saliva on to the food surface, treading it in and sucking up the resulting liquid. In the course of doing so,
the fly contaminates the food with bacteria from its gut and its feet. Thus, it can transmit more than 100
different pathogens, which can result in food poisoning, dysentery, typhoid or cholera.
There are over 120,000 different species of flies found worldwide. When a small fly problem is left, it can turn into a serious infestation very quickly with some species able to mature from egg to adult in as little
as 7 days. Flies are most active from late spring until early autumn with females laying eggs which will
generally hatch in under 24 hours.
Life expectancy for flies range from 8 days to 2 months and up to a year in some cases. They can be found
in every part of the world except the polar ice caps. Control of flies, species dependant, can be gained with
the use of electric fly control units, pheromone lures or residual insecticide treatments, all of which can
be an effective treatment course.
If you suspect a house fly infestation in your home, contact 24×7 Pest Management Services to conduct an
inspection, specifically looking for any places where house fly eggs may have been deposited. Since house
flies enter from outside, internal breeding sites are not common. If the breeding site is not thoroughly
cleaned or removed, these pests will continue to be a problem.
24×7 Pest Management Services offers an effective plan for flies control services. This plan has been
designed for controlling the number of house flies that are seen. The pest control company uses chemical
applications for flies control during the peak season.
require any space to fit themselves in. Female bedbugs are known to lay hundreds of eggs during their lifetime. Each of these eggs is the size of a
small dust particle and cannot be seen easily with a naked eye. Owing to their small size, it is very much
necessary to correctly detect whether your house is infested with bedbugs or not. Based on the level of
infestation, the further treatments to get rid of bedbugs can be decided.
Before you can get rid of bed bugs, you will need to determine first if you have a bed bug infestation on
your hands. The problem with these tiny insects is that they are hard to spot. However, there is tell-tale
signs that can help you identify whether bed bugs are living in your mattress.
Bedbugs are active mainly at night and usually bite people while they are sleeping. They feed by piercing the
skin and withdrawing blood through an elongated beak. The bugs feed from three to 10 minutes to become
engorged and then crawl away unnoticed.
Most bedbug bites are painless at first, but later turn into itchy welts. Unlike flea bites that are mainly around
the ankles, bedbug bites are on any area of skin exposed while sleeping. Also, the bites do not have a red spot
in the center like flea bites do.
People who don't realize they have a bedbug infestation may attribute the itching and welts to other causes,
such as mosquitoes. To confirm bedbug bites, you must find and identify the bugs themselves.
As part of the treatment for wood-boring insects, our specially trained technician injects the affected area
with an insecticide which helps in reducing the wood borer infestation in the wood.
Special syringes are used for injecting Wood Preservative chemicals into the holes created by the wood borers. The chemicals help in controlling the damage caused to the wood by wood borer infestation.
Further damage to the furniture can be avoided by spraying the furniture with petroleum-based
We are the best pest control services in Aurangabad, having sufficient skill set and awareness about
various pest control services.
We provide wood-boring beetles treatment for Industrial, residential and commercial properties.
After a primary inspection of the premises, we provide a thorough wood borer treatment to get rid of the
borers menace, providing a complete wood borer control solution. We offer affordable pest control
services to all parts of Aurangabad.
It is important to understand that weeds don’t create a void, they fill a void.
We render qualitative weed control services for weed control, which are widely used in the agriculture and
farming industry. Weed control is a method of stopping weeds from reaching a mature stage of growth as
they can be harmful to the plants and livestock. We offer weed control services effective methods of
weed control using herbicides that efficiently help in killing weeds in the crop row or in the immediate
vicinity of crop plants. We use certified weed control chemicals that are harmless to crops and human
skin. Our methods of weed control services are easier, less time-consuming and provided at affordable
24×7 Pest Management Services is Providing Weed Management Services for Industrial, commercial and residential lawns.
Health concerns aside, a spider infestation can also be a sign of a broader pest problem. Spiders aren’t too
specific when it comes to the pests they devour, so if they’re invading your property, it may be because
they anticipate a good meal.
At 24×7, we provide spider treatment services that are family friendly and effective.
Let our24x7 Pest Management Services professionals give you and your family peace of mind from invading spiders.
All of our professionally trained and experienced pest technicians take care of spider control treatment in
your home or business. We offer you a complete pest control program, starting with a detailed inspection
and assessment of the internal and external areas of your facility
Silverfish are teardrop shaped and can be identified by their tiny scales which are silver-blue in colour. Their wiggling motions are similar to a fish. They have two antennae and are wingless, with an adult
measuring up to 20 mm in length.
Silverfish thrive in conditions with high humidity and will be found in dark, damp areas, but can survive
in most environments. Reproduction is very regular as Silverfish lay their eggs daily, with some species
able to lay up to 20 at a time. There is very little change in size as Silverfish grow from egg to adult
however; the newly hatched are whiter in color.
Once we’ve gotten rid of the initial silverfish infestation, we’ll provide ongoing pest control services to keep them from coming back.
While we usually provide monthly or quarterly pest control services, we’ll determine the right frequency
for you based on the nature of your property and the severity of your silverfish problem.
At first glance, an ant infestation may seem merely irritating. Left untreated, however, an infestation can
cause significant damage to your home.
Another common type of ant is the carpenter ant. This ant, however, can cause serious damage. In fact, they can be just as damaging as termites. As carpenter ants make their way through wood and foam
insulation in your walls, they’ll begin feasting. The resulting structural damage can be difficult to repair
and may also be a sign that your home has moisture problems.
While some ants are mild mannered, others are far from being the friendliest of creatures when you get
in their way. Some bite and nip at the skin, causing pain, itchiness, or rashes.
Unlike many pest infestations, ant invasions are quite easy to identify. Some of the main signs to look for
Most ant colonies are incredibly resilient to ant control methods that you buy from your local store. We
recommend contacting pest control professionals, but if you’re in a tight spot, try these stopgaps:
1. If you spot ants moving to or from your property, disrupt their pheromone trail using a different
scent. When ants lay a trail, they’re leaving pheromones behind for other members of the ant colony
to follow. You can disrupt the pheromones by wiping the trail using an ammonia-based cleaner
2. After disrupting the trail, you can start tackling the ants. To do this, either use an all-purpose
cleaner, a specific ant spray, or apple cider vinegar. Spray the ants you see liberally and wipe them away. Make sure you dispose of the cloth you use for wiping.
3. After wiping up the ants, it’s likely that other members of the colony are still nearby. You can buy a
few commercial ant traps and place them in areas where you were seeing the ants.
To prevent ants from invading your home, be sure to implement these best practices:
In many cases, you may find that using a professional ant infestation service will save you time and produce quicker results.
At 24×7, we’re able to identify the type of ant that’s invading your home, why it’s there, and how to
prevent the problem in the future. We’ll start by eliminating your initial problem. Our professionals have
the right tools for dealing with your ant infestation quickly and thoroughly. After we’ve removed ants
from your property, we’ll help you prevent future problems and make recommendations on how to ant-
proof your home.
To make sure you enjoy an ant-free home, call us for information about ant prevention and removal!